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The Future of Apprenticeships #apprenticeships12
29 May 2012
Westminster Studio, 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB
  Policy Review TV broadcast this event in High Definition. The Future of Apprenticeships was debated at the 5th National Conference where speakers included business leaders, government officials and cabinet members. Purchase now to watch from the comfort of your own computer and still join in via Twitter (#apprenticeships12) and Policy Review TV.  The Government has actively promoted the value of apprenticeships over the last 18 months. Policies such as the new Higher Apprenticeship Fund; new incentive payment schemes to businesses and the piloting of an outcome payment pilot for large-scale employers have resulted in a 63.5% increase in the number of apprenticeships. Although a step in the right direction, there is still much to achieve in reducing unemployment; ensuring the financial feasibility of apprenticeship schemes; enhancing quality provision and promoting positive engagement with small and medium enterprises. This event is a must-see for FE and HE providers, small to medium-sized businesses, trade associates and all those aiming to increase apprenticeship opportunities and employer engagement. Delegates to this online event conference will: hear how the Government is tackling issues of quality in apprenticeship delivery; consider funding opportunities for apprenticeship programmes; explore what can be done to improve minimum standards in apprenticeship provision; examine and remove the barriers to businesses in considering apprenticeships; assess funding opportunities through the Youth Contract; gain a greater understanding of the issues involved.
John O’Leary, Editor, The Times Good University Guide
Welcome and introduction from conference Chair

Gila Sacks, Head of Apprenticeships Units, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Department for Education
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ensuring quality always matches quantity in apprenticeship delivery

David Way, Chief Operating Officer, National Apprenticeship Service
Challenges ahead for apprenticeships

Anne Tipple, National Skills Executive, British Chambers of Commerce
Removing the barriers and creating incentives for businesses

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Graham Hoyle OBE, Chief Executive, Association of Employment & Learning Providers
Accessing Funding and Apprenticeships through the Youth Contract and Work Programme

What's on now:
Ben Rowe, Director of Student Services, Kingston College
Developing demand for apprenticeships through Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) in a post-Connexions era

Scott Upton, Vice-Principal, Sandwell College
Delivering 1st class apprenticeship programmes

Panel discussion: What challenges lie ahead with the introduction of FE loans?
Lunch, networking and exhibition
Cllr Kevin Parkinson, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Derbyshire County Council
Case study: Derbyshire’s launch of 700 apprenticeships positions through active promotion and engagement with local SMEs

Bill Twigg, Apprenticeships Director, Semta
Accessing pathfinder funding to develop higher apprenticeships

Neil Baxter, Regional Managing Director, Keepmoat Midlands & South Wales
Employer perspective: Fulfilling the needs of employers and apprentices

Panel discussion: Session 3 What is the future for apprenticeships?

Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Stream One: HE Apprenticeships
Martin Peart, Curriculum Area Manager Marine Engineering, Falmouth Marine School

Stream One: Effective mentoring of apprentices
Fred Grindrod, Apprenticeships Policy and, Campaigns Officer, Unionlearn; Graham Randle, Apprenticeships Promotion Officer, Unionlearn.

Stream Two: Overcoming the challenges to delivering functional skills
Robert Pheasant, Head of Skills for Life and Employment, Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)

Close of conference
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