Gina Reilly
Gina Reilly has managed Offender Learning in the Community education for the Thames Valley Probation Trust since 2006. The partnership was awarded the Howard League Award for Education, Training and Employment in 2011.
Gina has recognised that organisations who want to work with offenders, are often caught in the balance between equality of opportunity; the demands of success and retention targets, and safeguarding/ risk management. A key part of the programme has been to put in place solutions that understand these tensions and work flexibly with the resources and facilities available in specific locations. This approach has helped 1200 offenders to achieve qualifications and local pathways have been established with education providers, SOVA mentors and the Bridge to Employment Service.
As well as working with learning in the community, Gina manages the NOMS/ESF Job Deal Service for SERCO in the Thames Valley supporting offenders from custody, approved premises and community, into jobs.