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Graduate Employability 2012 #grademployability
29 Feb 2012
This conference was held at Westminster Studio, 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB

Headline Speakers

Improving Understanding among students, institutions, business; avoiding "Generation Crunch”.

This conference looked at initiatives to improve graduate employability, highlighting the need for a diverse and holistic approach to improving employability skills. A degree no longer guarantees a job. Institutions need to embed employability proficiency into courses and students must look outside the classroom to enhance their skill set through work placements, internships, voluntary and community work.

As fees rise universities will work harder to attract students and employability will be a focus for many prospective students. Desires and demands from all sides must be more transparent to ensure today's student is supported to becomes tomorrow's valuable employee.

This conference showcased the tools and innovations that students, institutions, professional bodies, trade bodies, skills providers, employers and the government are engaging to drive us through this demanding time. How do graduates of 'generation crunch’ emerge as individuals better equipped for employment in a global market?

Registration and refreshments
Aaron Porter, Higher Education Consultant and Journalist
Chair's opening remarks

Paul Marshall, Chief Executive, Association of Business Schools (ABS)
Graduate Employability: developing the right skills

What's on now:
Andy Westwood, Chief Executive, Guild HE
Graduate Employability: busting myths - what does the labour market data really say?

Jane Artess, Director of Research, Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU)
Graduate prospects: empowering students with improved access to career information and planning (Session one - Setting the scene)

Questions and online feedback from audience
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Julia Hobsbawm, Visiting Professor in Networking, Cass Business School; Chief Operating Officer, Editorial Intelligence
Modern networking: how to connect face-to-face in the Facebook age

Andy Palmer, Director of Education and Skills, BT; Non-Executive Board Member, Ofsted
What role for employers in enhancing employability – it’s time to stop sniping from the sidelines

Marc Lintern, Treasurer, Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS); Head of Employability, Plymouth University
Threading employability through the student experience

Liz Walkley, Programme Manager, CFE – Research and consultancy specialists in employment and skills
Global graduates into global leaders

Questions and online feedback from audience
Buffet lunch, networking and exhibition
Libby Hackett, Director, University Alliance
More than just a degree: stories of empowered students

Sophie Livingstone, Chief Executive, City Year
Giving back to get ahead

Lewis Coakley, Higher Education Union Development Officer, National Union of Students (NUS)
Enrolment to commencement: issues with graduate employability

Questions and online feedback from audience
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Seminar A: Placements, career development and employability: what works for students, employers and universities
Gill Frigerio, Course Director, Management of Student Work Experience, Career Studies Unit, Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Warwick

Seminar B: Mentoring for graduate transitions: experiences from an employability and employer engagement initiative
Dr Judie Gannon, Principal Lecturer-Programme Lead, Postgraduate Hospitality, Oxford Brookes University

Policy Review TV

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@MMU Group: The elephant in the room seems to be that we cannot second guess what some employers want.
@MMU Group: We were talking about the issues concerned with 'unpaid' internships over lunch.
@MMU group: Glad it is not just us!
@UoC Group: Also having sound problems.
@UCP: Yes problems here too!
@MMU group: We are having sound problems again. The voice keeps cutting out.
@Helen Jones (MMU): We also have the same opportunities for our students - it has been extremely popular and advantageous to our students.
@Helen Jones(MMU): Fascinating to hear of these examples from Plymouth. Inspirational.
@Helen Jones (MMU): The video demonstrates how persuasive students are when they talk about their sucesses.
@MMU group: Question to the floor - if we are giving students the wrong idea about what is expected by employers what can universities do to address this? Can Andy Palmer give examples of this dissatisfaction?
@Kerry Gough@BCU: Apologies Andy Palmer! A little out of sync...
@Kerry Gough@BCU: Interesting point made by Marc Lintern about how students can also be dissatisfied with employment opportunities
@UCP: Is it simply aptitude?
@judebaines: Attended a BT Careers day once and was genuinely impressed by how much the grads enjoy working there - shall I increase the traffic to Andy by mentioning that they are one of few employers to have an in-house legal training scheme which trains students whilst they attend college part-time
@UCP: Graduates nowadays are NOT JUST young people.
@judebaines: My style of presenting - talking to pictures - but didn't know it was a BT thing - how corporate of me.
@judebaines: Often find students are reluctant to take up the networking element after an event even with free food and drink offered - need to help change their mindset
@Kerry Gough@BCU: It all comes back to the 'create your own opportunities' premise, but as I see it, we are there to ensure that we encourage our students to participate and engage.
@UCP: Networking is very strong in Cornwall and always has been. It is fundamental to our graduates' employability and we have been encouraging them and inviting them to network for YEARS
@UCP: Can we just add that cable was laid in CORNWALL - woohoo!!
@judebaines: Perfect sound
@Nicola Wilkinson @ UoC: The sound is now very quiet, can we turn the volume on the microphone up?
@Robert Ready (MMU): HIss problem resolved. thanks.
@judebaines: Constant hissing now
@Robert Ready (MMU): Loud hiss on your sound now.....this is a new problem since the break.
@Kerry Gough@BCU: School of Media are enjoying the fab walk on music - funky. You would dance if you knew.
@Kerry Gough@BCU: Just remember that we can still hear you while you are on break ladies and gentlemen of the room!
@UCP: Thank you to the Policy Review TV team for fixing the sound - we appreciate it was a bad morning at the office!!
@Zoe at UCP: Over 50% of our graduates go on to be self-employed or set up their own businesses after graduation which is particularly relevant to creative industries.
@Kerry Gough@BCU: Professional Practice (CV, Interview Experience, Work Placement, Portfolios, Applications, Start Up Planning etc.) should be embedded within the university education environment right from the start of their university careers so that when students leave their university studies they are well prepared for outside industry. Having an increased skillset in comparison to the competition can only enhance student employability.
@UCP: I agree, it is interesting in this time where graduates need to be prepeared to think more broadly about their careers after completing their degree, aren't soft skills as important to demonstrate at the CV stage? Graduates need to learn how to do this.
@Kerry Gough@BCU: One of the things that we have found beneficial with the activities of the Media Industry Outreach Team in the School of Media at Birmingham City University has been the brokering of strong industry connections that have proven to be mutually beneficial. The students gain valuable work place experience through placement activity, whilst local media business have been able to benefit from the assistance of skilled students in a tight market place. Many of our industry links have commented on the benefits of being able to work alongside soon-to-be graduate students and be able to trial them ready for when those employment experiences arise. Work placement is essential in the preparation for the industry.
@judebaines: within universities there can be so many other products/schemes that compete with online products eg. NUS, in-house schemes, LawCareers.net if you a law student etc etc. which do students choose?
@Kerry Gough@BCU: My experience with our students is that you need a reason to direct traffic in and for them to engage with it, there has to be an instant win. If this is to work it has to be embedded as a part of the University learning environment and fostered and encouraged from Year 1 through employment engagement activity and professional development planning.
@judebaines: Would our students identify with Alice?
@UCP: The thunder claps are back i'm afraid!
@KathyWoods@cumbria : It is not just audio interruptions - also constant freezing and locking out of video stream.
@Judebaines: Can see Jane but can't hear her and no slides. Looks like will need to find a half day in the diary sometime to listen to it all again
@Nicola Wilkinson at UoC: No feed at all now.
@UCP: Is anyone else having the same problem, no screen?
@KathyWoods@UoC : Can we have an estimate of when the sound problems will be resolved and we will re-join later? There is more boxing than anything else.
@UCP: We have no picture, our stream keeps timing out. HELP!!
@UCP: We think that graduates who set up their own businesses should also be considered as part of destinations. This is a key destination for graduates in Cornwall - one of the most enterprising counties in the UK
@Kathryn Walker@UOC: The interruptions are becoming more frequent, and are louder than the voice transmission from the conference. It is seriously impacting the engagement of the on-line audience.
@Robert Ready (MMU): Can the camera pan round to show the boxing/wrestling, please?
@UCP: WE also are being seriously hindered by the poor sound and constant feedback from boxing or whatever it may be. It needs resolving now.
@judebaines : Are we tuned into BBC Five Live
@Helen Jones: Our engagement with the proceedings is being seriously hampered by thunderclaps and wrestling match sounds! (MMU)
@Nicola Wilkinson at UoC: More boxing commentary coming through!
@Kerry Gough : Quite bizarre and a real shame as the School of Media at Birmingham City University are developing our Professional Media Practice programme to incorporate much of what Paul Marshall had to say. It's a shame that we can only hear him intermittently
@Policy Review TV: Apologies once again for the audio disruption, we are working on this issue now and should have it resolved very shortly. Paul Marshall's presentation will be able to view in full on demand if you missed anything he has said.
@Julie Hepburn: I'm also getting crashing waves sound plus loud interruptions from what sounds like a sports event!!
@UCP: We are also experiencing live sport!!
@judebaines: thunderstorm replaced by boxing match
@UCP: Interesting that the Leicester Award is a very academic approach to work readiness - surely this would be more effective and more appealing to employers if the work was more business focussed and delivered in a way that businesses can understand and appreciate and that will be valuable to them?
@@judebaines: Some employers remain to be convinced about awards - isn't it more about being able to articulate skills during the recruitment process
@Policy Review TV: Apologies for the sound disruption you are currently experiencing, we are looking into this issue now and should have it resolved very shortly.
@UCP: If you want to hear what we are experiencing then call us on 07825010429.
@Kathy Woods: Has joined with University of Cumbria colleagues. Also experiencing Crashing Waves sound.
@Birmingham City University : Listening online, experiencing the same thunderclaps as UCP
@UCP: There seems to be a thunder sound that intermittently appears on our speakers!!
@Helen Jones: Our delegates here at Manchester Metropolitan University are just arriving and getting tea and coffee - looking forward to the day.