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The Student Experience: Improving satisfaction, delivering engagement #StuExp
21 Nov 2013

The student experience is now measured from application to employment and remains at the forefront of the debate about the effective delivery of HE.

Recent changes to funding, with tuition fees up to £9000 a year and increasing competition for student recruitment and places, has intensified the focus on evaluating and improving the student experience.

Student satisfaction and employment outcomes are being analysed right across the institution from senior management teams to departments and staff-student committees, and published in results from the National Student Survey. The addition of a twenty third question in the survey on students’ union and the publication of employment outcomes has upped the stakes.

And a revolution is coming in teaching and learning with students active partners making more choices moving beyond listening to students, to granting students decision making authority, spending power and the opportunity to shape their learning, teaching and wider student experience.

This conference will:

  • map out the changing landscape for the student experience
  • grasp opportunities from data and research to make continuous improvements
  • develop strategies for improving student academic satisfaction
  • hear about the challenge for students’ unions in improving on the experience of students
  • understand new choices for developing partnerships between students and their courses and institutions
  • explore the impacts of government policy and regulation on the student experience
  • learn from the best case studies and recent innovations in student services
  • understand how new forms of learning and teaching will change the student experience
  • .


Aaron Porter, HE Consultant and conference chair
Welcome and introduction

Rachel Wenstone, Vice President Higher Education, National Union of Students
Students as co-creators: a partnership approach to the student experience

What's on now:
Professor Edward Acton, Vice-Chancellor, University of East Anglia
Putting the student experience at the forefront of higher education

Professor Geoff Layer OBE, Vice-Chancellor, University of Wolverhampton; HEFCE Public Information Steering Group
Public information as a driver to inform student choice

Questions and discussion
Tricia King, Pro Vice Master for Student Experience and Director of External Relations, Birkbeck, University of London
Delivering on the part-time experience at a time of challenge

Yaz El Hakim, Director of Learning and Teaching, University of Winchester
New approaches for advancing student engagement and improving satisfaction

Professor Stephanie Marshall, Chief Executive, Higher Education Academy
Improving teaching and learning to enhance the student experience

Questions and discussion
Bill Rammell, Vice-Chancellor, University of Bedfordshire
Institutional leadership to deliver on the student experience

Where next for the student experience? Panel discussion
An international perspective on the student experience;
Jane Usherwood, Secretary General, Universitas21;
Engagement or student satisfaction?;
Dr Peter Lambert, Associate Dean Learning & Teaching, University of Bath;
Questions and discussion.

Key Issue Seminar 1: Using student surveys for enhancement
Dr Alex Buckley, Academic Development Office, Higher Education Academy

Key Issue Seminar 2: Student segmentation – why Party People, Academic Individualists and Leading Lights don’t all want the same experience
Andy Parsons, General Manager, & Josh Hurrell, President, Loughborough Students’ Union

End of broadcast
Policy Review TV

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