Nursing Workforce: Quality care in a multidisciplinary team
13 Feb 2013
Broadcast from Central London
Headline Speakers
Professor Viv Bennett
Director of Nursing for Department of He...
Dr Peter Carter OBE
Chief Executive and General Secretary of...
Jane Cummings
Chief Nursing Officer for England the Na...
Peter Sharp
Chief Executive, Centre for Workforce In...
The coming 12 months will see nursing face a series of questions about its practice, structure and regulation and working in multidisciplinary teams. A number of solutions are being developed anticipating major reports. This is a difficult and challenging environment for nursing and nursing workforce recruitment, requiring structural, ethical and quality changes. How do we make nursing an attractive and flexible profession to meet the workforce needs of the next 3 decades?
This conference will address:
The Francis Report - due to be published early in the New Year and is expected to raise profound questions about multi-professional system failure in health care
The Willis Commission Report on nurse education
The Chief Nursing Officer’s consultation paper on Developing the culture of compassionate care
The work of the Nursing and Care Quality Forum New leadership at The Nursing and Midwifery Council
The move to local government funding of public health and many community nursing services