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6th Annual Postgraduate Conference
04 Mar 2008
Held at the Barbican Centre, London

The continued expansion and diversification of postgraduate education demands that universities develop strategies to ensure a competitive postgraduate offer and a responsive student experience. Universities must grasp the Leitch agenda and be prepared to manage the challenges of new student experience demands, changing funding streams and implementing the changes from the Bologna processes to maintain credible and sustainable growth. This conference brought together the key stakeholders from across the HE Sector to map the latest market trends and discuss the latest policy and best practice to improve postgraduate student recruitment, quality, support and employability to secure the future of the postgraduate sector. Speakers included: Professor Mary A Ritter, Pro-Rector for Postgraduate and International Affairs at Imperial College, London; Professor Chris Park from theUniversity of Lancaster; Graham Pitcher, Dean of BPP Business School, Director of BPP College of Professional Studies; and Duncan Connors, General Secretary of the National Postgraduate Committee.
