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Student Recruitment and Retention in FE Colleges - Tackling the falling numbers of students #R&RinFE
27 Mar 2012
This conference was held at Westminster Studio, 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB
  Despite an increase in school sixth-form students, colleges and training providers have seen demand fall and recruitment targets missed. While the Department for Education pledged to launch an investigation into reduced recruitment commentators quickly cited the loss of EMA; the increase in costs of university fees; competition from other colleges, and unaffordable transport as causes. This conference provides viewers with the unique opportunity to seek solutions to recruitment and retention challenges through best practice presentations exploring brand identity, marketing, communications, and student experience. Leading professionals provide insight into what has worked for them in ensuring the operational and strategic aims and objectives of their FE institution are met. For further information contact Paul Rushworth on 020 7960 4364, or e-mail paul.rushworth@neilstewartassociates.co.uk
Registration, refreshments and exhibition
David Igoe, Chief Executive, Sixth Form Colleges' Forum
Welcome and introduction from conference Chair

Briony Webb, Quality and Information Systems Manager, Careers Wales West
Understanding the factors that influence pupils’ choices post-16

Pete Mercer, Vice President for Welfare, National Union of Students (NUS)
The impact of grant funding on students from vulnerable backgrounds

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Exhibitor Interview 1 Interview with Tony Walsh from IDXTRA
Exhibitor Interview 2 Interview with Roy Holmes from Inisoft
What's on now:
John Widdowson CBE, Principal & Chief Executive, New College Durham and Chair, Mixed Economy Group of Colleges
Identifying and overcoming the barriers to retention

Ellen Lessner, e-Learning Co-ordinator, Abingdon and Witney College
Case study: effective engagement and communications

Ben Rowe, Director of Student Services, Kingston College
Competing with neighbouring colleges and schools

Panel discussion: Session 2
Were recruitment targets too generous? | How can we overcome the removal of the EMA and transport provision?| What impact has the introduction of university fees had on FE recruitment? | Has the Wolf review ‘killed off’ a number of course options in FE?.

Lunch, networking and exhibition
Richard Poynder, Chairman, Smartex Limited
Case study: attendance monitoring and student retention programme

Fadia Clarke, Deputy Principal, and Director of Quality, Curriculum and Students, Newbury College
Case Study: Developing curriculum for hard-to-retain learners

Case study: Creating an award-winning marketing campaign to exceed recruitment targets
Michelle Hewitt, Marketing Co-ordinator Solihull College; Dave Cooper, Director of Marketing, Solihull College

Questions and discussion: Session 3
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Key Issue Seminar A: Improving student retention through smart card technology
Tony Walsh, Sales Director, IDXtra; Enzo Frangiamore, Project Manager, IDXtra; Paul Canal, Marketing Manager, IDXtra | Ian Webber, Deputy Head of Information Services, Bromley College; Mike Ward, Head of IT & Information Systems, Sir George Monoux College.

Key Issue Seminar B: Creating a brand identity
Lynne Kirkwood, Vice-Principal, Customer Relations and Marketing, Barnsley College

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